To Be The Best That We Can Be
Sunshines Long Term Plan
As an Early Years team we have worked hard to create a curriculum plan that we feel will meet the needs of our children. It is a working document and will be adapted to ensure it is suitable for the cohort of children we teach.
Sunshines Skill Progression
We have created a document to show the progression of skills throughout each area of our curriculum during your child's journey in Sunshines.
Topic Plans 2024-2025
Please take a look at our half termly planning grids to find out what we will be learning in Sunshines.
Topic Plans 2023-2024
Our Half Termly Topic Plans allow you to see what your child will be learning in Sunshines each half term. Please take a look at our weekly newsletter for more detail.
Half Termly Topic Grids 2022-2023
Here are our half termly topic grids. These documents will give you an insight into the curriculum we will be covering each half term in Sunshines.
Half Termly Topic Grids 2021-2011
Please take a look at the high quality texts that we will be sharing with your child each half term. We will use these texts to support our theme and help to develop a language rich environment. Our vocabulary will also be shared with you each week on our class newsletter. We would encourage you to discuss these words and wherever possible use and encourage your child to use these words.