
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be

Year 6

Welcome to Year Six

Teachers in Year Six are:

Mrs Whelerton in the Meneske room

Mr Preston in the  Violet room.

Other adults in our class this year are:

Mr Pitchfork (Meneske), Miss Howard (Meneske) 

We do PE on: Monday & Tuesday

Full kits are required to take part, which consists of: Shorts, T-Shirt and Trainers


We test spellings on: Friday


We read to an adult and practise our times tables: Daily and as a minimum, three times across the week which will be recorded by the teacher.

We hand our homework booklets (Comprehension or Grammar, with Maths) in: Monday


Our daily homework is to read to an adult at home and practise our times tables on TT Rockstars. A weekly comprehension and grammar activity are sent home every Monday to be completed for the following Monday. We also send home a LCSWC sheet for children to practise their spellings. Children will review the answers to their homework in school with their teachers so please ensure these are returned on time. Planner are checked on a Friday.

Please view our Year 6 trip to Eden Camp using the following link:


Year 6 Eden Camp Trip | Athelstan Community Primary School (
