To Be The Best That We Can Be
Friday 8th January
1) Maths
Miss Ford's Maths video is available for you on Purplemash in the year 5 blog area. The worksheet has been set for you as a 2do.
2) Grammar
Mr Tull's grammar video is available for you on Purplemash in the year 5 blog area. The worksheet has been set for you as a 2do.
3) Spelling
Use the above link to complete an Oak Academy Spelling lesson looking at plurals. Follow along and answer any questions during the session.
4) Music
Use the above link to complete an Oak Academy Music lesson. Follow along and answer any questions during the session.
Thursday 7th January.
You have four activities to complete today:
1) Maths
Miss Ford's Maths video is available for you on Purplemash in the year 5 blog area. The worksheet has been set for you as a 2do.
2) Grammar
Mr Tull's grammar video is available for you on Purplemash in the year 5 blog area. The worksheet has been set for you as a 2do.
3) Grammar no.2
Use the above link to complete an Oak Academy SPAG lesson looking at fronted adverbials.. Follow along and answer any questions during the session.
Use the above link to complete an Oak AcademyPSHE lesson looking at Water. Follow along and answer any questions during the session.
Wednesday 6th January.
You have four activities to complete today:
1) Maths
Use the link above to complete an Oak Academy Maths lesson on Factors and Multiples.
2) Grammar
Use the above link to complete an Oak Academy Grammar lesson based on Word Class.
3) Science
Use the above link to complete an Oak Academy Science lesson looking at Scientist Katherine Johnson. Then, in your 2do bell on purple mash, complete the worksheet.
Don’t forget to hand in once completed.
4) Reading
On Purplemash, you have been set a 2do. It is a reading comprehension activity to complete. Hand in once completed.
If you have any problems, at 2.30pm you will be able to discuss these in the briefing with your teacher on Microsoft Teams.