
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be

Physical Education

Subject Coordinator: Miss Wright

Physical Education at Athelstan Community Primary School. 

At Athelstan Community Primary School, we provide Physical Education sessions which inspire our children to develop a lifelong love of physical activity and sport. We endeavour to use physical activity as a tool to keep our pupil's bodies and minds healthy. We aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best. We ensure that our delivery of physical education is inclusive, allowing all children to have the skills and mindset to leave primary school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and active lifestyles.

How we deliver

At Athelstan we ensure all children access a minimum of 2 hours high quality PE in curriculum time each week. We follow the GetSet4PE scheme to ensure a clear progression as our pupil's move through school. As well as developing physical skills during sessions, all lessons have social, emotional, and thinking objectives to develop the whole child. 
PE in KS1: 
The initial fundamental skills-based curriculum we implement at Athelstan, allows children to develop essential skills which assists them in accessing a range of specified sports as they transition through school.

PE in KS2: In KS2 children apply the skills they have mastered to a range of sports including Netball, Rounders, Football, Dodgeball, Basketball, Tag Rugby, Volleyball, Handball, Basketball and Hockey.

PE Opportunities Outside of Curriculum Time

In addition to our PE Curriculum, we aim to provide our pupils with a wide range of sporting opportunities and experiences including:

> Whole School PE Week 
> Sports Workshops
> Inter and intra school competitions
> Active playtimes and lunchtimes
> After school sports clubs

