
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be

Fundraising at Athelstan

Athelstan School Fundraising

We continue to work in partnership with our community to hold events across the school year, that will assist the school with:

* Making whole school improvements to the grounds and buildings

* Providing enrichment activities both in school and at off-site venues

* Support annual events such as Christmas parties, Easter celebrations and end of year rewards

* Purchasing equipment and resources


Over the year we do this by holding a number of events, including:

* Break a rule days

* Sweet sales

* Summer Fair

* Bags2School collections

* Raffles

* Sponsored events


We work in partnership with local companies and our families throughout the year. If you are interested in helping with any of the events, please contact the school office on 01977 684037 for further information.
