
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be

Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4 page!


In the Blue room:

Miss Austwick with teaching assistants Miss Allinson, Mrs Hemingway and Miss Harrison-Roache


In the Neela room:

Miss Ford and teaching assistant Mrs Webb

PE: Children should bring their PE kit into school on a Monday and take them home on a Friday. PE kit includes: a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts and trainers (different to their school shoes). Black or navy joggers and tracksuit jacket to be worn for outdoor PE.


Spellings: We will follow Read, Write, Inc. programme for spellings. Children will update their planners on a weekly basis with the weeks' spelling rule words and 'orange' Year 3/4 words.


Reading: All children should read on a daily basis at home, to an adult. Children will independently select reading books to bring home that are tailored to their personal comprehension skills. Please complete accelerated reader quizzes upon finishing a book.


Ground Rules

In Year 4 we have agreed to have a positive learning environment, we will follow these ground rules:

  • Ask lots of questions
  • Respect people's opinions
  • Be positive
  • Share ideas
  • Don't be afraid to show emotions
  • Understand that not everyone feels the same
  • Remember that private discussions remain in the classroom



 All homework will be online this year. Maths homework will be set through MyMaths; reading, grammar, punctuation and spellings homework will be set through Emile. Homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Friday.
