
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be

Self Esteem

What is Self-Esteem?

Children and young people with high self-esteem:

•Have a positive image of themselves and are confident

•Can make friends easily and are not anxious with new people

•Can play in groups or on their own

•Will try and solve problems on their own, but if not able to will ask for help

•Can be proud of their achievements

•Can admit mistakes and learn from them

•Will try new things and adapt to change


What might you see if your child has low self-esteem

•Lack confidence

•Find it hard to make and keep friendships

•Feel lonely and isolated

•Tend to avoid new things and find change hard

•Can’t deal well with failure.

•Tend to put themselves down and might say things like “I’m stupid” or “I can’t do that” (before they have tried)

•Are not proud of what they achieve and always think they could have done better

•Are constantly comparing themselves to their peers in a negative way
