To Be The Best That We Can Be
At Athelstan we value all children whatever their background, and aim to provide a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere that does not discrimate on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, culture, religion or ability. Any pupil with SEND will be welcome at our school. Should a parent wish to admit a child with SEND to our school, then every effort will be made to accomodate their needs.
Our school, as best as we are able to ensures equal access to the whole school curriculum for all children with Special Educational Needs, which includes children with disabilities. We have adopted the Disability Equality Scheme which is a legal requirement in all schools, along with meeting the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act.
SEND Code of Practice 6.79
‘The governing bodies of maintained schools and maintained nursery schools and the proprietors of academy schools have a legal duty to publish information on their websites about the implementation of the governing body’s or the proprietor’s policy for pupils with SEN. The information published must be updated annually and any changes to the information occurring during the year must be updated as soon as possible. The information required is set out in the draft Special Educational Needs (Information) Regulations and reflects the information required for the local offer’.
Schools should ensure that the information is easily accessible by parents and is set out in clear, straightforward language. This should include information on the school’s SEN policy, named contacts within the school where parents have concerns and details of the school’s contribution to the local offer.
In setting out details of the broad and balanced curriculum provided in each year, schools should include details of how the curriculum is adapted or made accessible for pupils with SEN.
There are 4 areas of need according to the 2014 Code of Practice.
Children are assessed regularly to ensure that they are making expected progress. Data is used to identify SEND or to inform provision already in place. Data analysis at strategic points through the year are looked at by senior staff and the Inclusion manager to identify if there are any concerns from the data that needs further investigation. Once a discussion has taken place, a final decision will be made by parents/carers., the class teacher and the SENDCO regarding the next appropriate steps. The Inclusion manager will then investigate further and in response to staff concerns or data will if required refer to external agencies to further assess and give recommendations for appropriate provision
Lessons are differentiated for all learners, including those with SEND, in order for them to access the learning at their level and make progress. The school has access to a wide range of professionals and outside agencies that we can contact for further support and advice. If we feel that outside agency input would benefit your child then we will have a meeting in school to discuss this with you.
We have access to:
Interventions are necessary to help children make progress. Staff who deliver focused interventions such as First Class @ Number and reading intervention have all had the necessary training. As a whole school, we have refresher training for all the different areas of need. All our staff are highly trained and they are observed delivering the interventions. In doing this we can ensure that all the staff are consistent in their approach. Any staff who feel they need more training in a specific area have the opportunity to attend relevant training sessions.
Athelstan Primary school is committed to inclusion and our policy is to provide all children with a happy and secure environment in which they can reach their potential. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils and respond vigorously to pupils’ diverse learning needs. We believe in equality of opportunity and we aim to create a supportive yet challenging environment that values difference and recognises the achievements of all children. We recognise that children with SEN are vulnerable to safeguarding issues and as a result of this we have robust procedures and systems in place which allow for early identification and continuous monitoring.
Athelstan Primary School operates a number of different curriculum models to meet the different needs of the pupils in relation to their age, ability or social and emotional development. For example, pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities may attend intervention programmes or access individual or 1:1 Thrive, Speech and Language support or Social, Emotional or Mental Health support.
Pupils are grouped according to age for registration and lessons. Curriculum subjects are delivered in mixed ability groups where a range of teaching styles and techniques are employed and lessons differentiated to meet the individual needs of the pupils. Children are encouraged to work independently at times but support both in class and in small groups is always available to those children who require additional help. Some children with SEND also receive 1:1 support with a teaching assistant within their mainstream lessons.
Athelstan Primary School has excellent access for all. There are easy access parking bays at the front of school for disabled pupils and visitors and all visitors are able to access the main reception via an accessible entrance.
There are easy access toilets throughout the school.
ICT is used to help some of our pupils access the curriculum; there are interactive white boards available in every class. Specific writing aids are available to those children who require additional help.
Parental Involvement
Athelstan is very excited to be part of the PINS Project.
(Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) Programme) -please click to access their page
The purpose of the PINS programme is to improve the experience of mainstream school for children who may have an additional educational need. Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) will bring health and education specialists and expert parent carers into mainstream primary settings to:
• Help shape whole school SEND provision.
• Provide early interventions at a whole school level.
• Upskill school staff.
• Support strengthening of partnerships between schools and parent carers.
We are pleased to announce an upcoming parent workshop on the 27th February titled:
'Understanding Overwhelm, Meltdown and Shutdown' the workshop will start at 1.15pm and finish at 2.55pm so that parents are able to collect their children at the end of the school day.
As a school we also offer:
Parent workshops to help parents support their child e.g. Phonics and reading workshops, E-Safety, maths sessions.
Parents are also invited to an annual meeting to review their child’s statement/EHCP and contribute to their child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Open Evenings are held twice a year so parents can meet their child’s teachers and look at their work across the curriculum.
Home school journals are used to support communication between home and school and parents are encouraged to use these where appropriate.
Parents are invited into school regularly to share in a range of activities which include; class assemblies and performances.
Staff Training
All teachers have qualified teacher status and our Learning Support Practitioners have a minimum of a Level 2 qualification. All Early Years Foundation Stage staff have L3 or above, we also have some Learning Support Practitioners hold HLTA status. There is a comprehensive induction programme that ensures all staff are trained in safeguarding, Child Protection procedures and SEN Support.
There is an ongoing programme of professional development to ensure teachers and teaching assistants meet the special educational needs of our pupils and stay up to date with current research into teaching and learning.
The Inclusion manager holds the National Qualification for SEN co-ordination and also holds a Thrive practitioner license.
Activities outside of school
Athelstan Primary School is committed to providing all pupils with equal access to an enriched and extended curriculum. Residential visits are organised to different centres so that all pupils have an opportunity to take part in Years 4 and 6. Visits to local theatres, art galleries, historic sites etc. are used to enhance and enrich the curriculum. Visiting artists and theatre companies allow all pupils, including our SEN pupils, access to cultural experiences.
For children to lead a healthy lifestyle they need to move as much as possible. It is recommended that children are active for at least 60 minutes per day to help keep their hearts healthy and bones strong and if they have additional needs, this is just as important.
At Athelstan we have a variety of after school clubs which cater for a range of interests and abilities and include; art, dance, music, PE, football, hockey, basketball and gymnastics.
There are also several inclusive sports clubs and activities that are available in the local and surrounding areas of Sherburn in Elmet. Please see the links below to some of these.
Gymnastics and Trampolining
Riding for the Disabled
Cerebral Palsy Sport UK-Frame Running
Transition is carefully planned for all children whether children are moving from Early Years to Key stage 1 and Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2, moving into the area from another school or making the leap to secondary school. Regardless of circumstances we hold meetings with previous teachers/schools to handover information and discuss individual children and their needs.
Transition from school to KS3 starts in the Summer Term of year 6 and the school works closely with parents and Inclusion leads from the local secondary schools to ensure that this is a smooth transition and that our SEN children are well prepared for life in a secondary school. This transition also includes visits to their new school over a period of time.
Transition from one year group to another is tailored to suit the needs of individual pupils. We have a transition week where all children in school move up with their class to meet their teachers but we are aware that some children may require extra visits to aid this transition process further.
All North Yorkshire maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND.) They are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, whatever their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. The Local Authority publishes its Local Offer which provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place.
North Yorkshire County Council have published their local offer for children and families from 0-25. This outlines what is available for children and young people with SEND in our Local Authority.
All schools are required to provide information to parents on how to seek additional support beyond that which is ‘normally available’ for their child.
The main aim of the local offer is to enable families to see readily the support they can expect locally without having to struggle to find the information. If there is any information that you would like to know that is not on the website then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Barton (Inclusion Manager).
SENDIASS North Yorkshire is a service for parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND) as well as young people themselves. It is impartial, which means it is not bias and gives confidential information, advice and support that is arms length to the Local Authority. A SENDIASS Co-ordinator can be contacted through North Yorkshire on 01609 536923
Should you require any extra information then please do not hesitate to come and see me in school.
Kathy Barton
Inclusion Manager
Telephone: 01977 684037