
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be

Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 page!


In the Indigas room:




Miss Ford with teaching assistants Mrs Webb.



In the Indigo room:



Miss Critchley with teaching assistants Mrs West (am) and Mrs Lax (pm).


Our PE days are: Tuesday and Thursday. Children should bring in their PE kit on a Monday and take them home on a Friday. PE kit includes: a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts and trainers (different to their school shoes). Black or navy joggers and tracksuit jacket to be worn for outdoor PE.



Homework: We will send out Homework every Friday consisting of a maths task on MyMaths and two pieces of homework based on reading, grammar, punctuation or spelling. The task will be linked as far as possible to that weeks learning. Homework must be handed in by the following Friday. 


Spellings: Children are following the Read, Write, Inc. spelling program. Children will update their planners on a Monday with the weeks' spelling rule and words. These words will also be tested as 'Speed Spell' the following Monday. Children will also write in 'Orange' words into their planners.


Reading: All children should read on a daily basis at home, to an adult. Children will independently select reading books to bring home that are tailored to their personal comprehension abilities. Once books have been read, children should complete the accelerated reader quiz. Please see 100 books to read in Year 5 as inspiration.
