To Be The Best That We Can Be
Welcome to Year 3
Kijani Room
Mr Tull, Mrs Lax and Mr Dunnill
Green Room
Miss Gaunt and Mrs Hart
We do PE on:
Mr Tull: Monday and Friday
Mr Bryan: Monday and Friday
Please press here for PE kit expectations.
Please press here for a copy of the Read Write Inc. booklet that was handed out at parent's evening.
In the summer term, we will be going over the spelling patterns that the children have been working on since Autumn and practicising more challenging words. We will also be doing a spelling test every Friday.
Our homework is to read to an adult at home at least three times a week. There is a bookmark in your child's planner that has example question starters to use to question your child on what they are reading. This will enhance your child's understanding of what they are reading. A copy of this bookmark can be found in the 'Curriculum' area of the website.
This year, we have introduced Accelerated Reader, a site that allows children to complete quizzes for the appropriate books they have read. Please press here for a link to the Accelerated Reader Information Booklet that was handed out at parent's evening.
Books will be changed every Friday if the online quiz has been completed on Accelerated Reader. In our letters section, there is a step-by-step guide for how to use Accelerated Reader to complete the quizzes.
Times Tables
Completing 20 games on TT Rockstars is also set and needs to be completed daily throughout the week. This will help to ensure we make our best possible progress during our time in Year Three.
Reading, Maths, Grammar and Punctuation Workbooks
Homework booklets are sent home every Friday. The pages which need to be completed are written on the correct pages and are also sent home in a text. Please only complete the pages which have been set.
Our Summer Topic - China & Volcanoes