
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be





Digital literacy is important for children to help them keep pace with the modern world, to thrive in an increasingly digital world and remain confident and competitive. By continuously developing digital literacy knowledge and skills, we can grow learners who are curious, inclusive and safe in the online world.

At Athelstan, Computing is led by Mr Andrew Preston. We, as a school, believe that an engaging and motivating Computing curriculum will enable our children to:

  • Use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.
  • Make deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology.
  • Build knowledge of principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.
  • Become digitally literate – able to use, express themselves and develop ideas through information and communication technology.

At Athelstan the Computing programme is implemented using two core documents: The National Curriculum Programme of Study for Computing and the Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage. We have developed a long term programme with clear progression and coverage addressing expectation for all year groups.


The long term plan follows the key strands: Computer Science (CS), Digital Literacy (DL) and Information Technology (IT). Computer Science aspects are through programming including the use of Espresso, Purplemash, Scratch and Kudo. Information Technology is developed through multimedia and handling data. E-safety is developed through PSHE and, together with the threads of Technology in our Lives and Multimedia, builds the skills and understanding of Digital Literacy.

In Early Years children are taught to build confidence using technology purposefully to support their learning for all Early Learning Goals. Children are able to experience using technology indoors, outdoors and through role-play in both child initiated and teacher –directed time.


Equipment at Athelstan School


At Athelstan we have worked hard to ensure that, through careful budgeting, we have a range of resources to support the delivery of the Computing curriculum, the Early Years Framework and learning across all areas of the National curriculum.  School currently pay subscription for children to access online tools (Espresso, Purplemash, Activelearn, TT Rockstars) both at school and home.

There is a class set available of laptops and we currently have 45 iPads available for use in school. All classes have interactive whiteboards. Teaching staff have iPads which aid planning and assessment through 2Simple.              

The school pays for technical support from NYCC Schools ICT and the technician is responsible for the maintenance of computers, printers, the school network and keeping software up to date. 

Information is shared with the school community through the school website,  newsletters, termly reports and end of year reports.


Online Safety at Athelstan

Online Safety for children is a priority in a world where children access the web and the online world through a multitude of means. It is important to safeguard them so that they can do so confidently and securely. A progressive Online Safety curriculum ensures that all pupils are able to develop skills to keep them safe online. Online safety is taught as part of the curriculum at the beginning of every new academic year.

  • Opportunities for learning about Online Safety are part of PSHE and reinforced whenever technology is used.
  • Clear rules for Online Safety are agreed by each class at the beginning of every year.  Parents and pupils sign an acceptable user policy together when a pupil first starts at the school.  The class rules are then signed annually by pupils and shared with parents.
  • The school supports the international Safer Internet Day each February and provides opportunities for pupils to consider cyberbullying as part of Anti-Bullying week.
  • Opportunities are taken whenever possible to reinforce messages of a healthy life style.
  • The school has an Online Safety policy in place that details how the principles of Online Safety will be promoted and monitored. This can be accessed on the school website
  • Parents are able to access further advice and guidance on the school website including a parents’ guide for using the internet.

Safer Internet Day February 7th 2023


This year's Safer Internet Day is based around the theme: Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online and is co-ordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre in partnership with Childnet,


Here at Athelstan we will be looking at this over the week with classroom activities and live online lessons. Here are some websites for you to look at with your child at home:


Safer Internet Day - Want to talk about it? Advice for Parents and Carers


Internet Matters - supporting conversations with children
