
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be

Our Early Years Uniform

Children in Raindrops, Puddles and Sunshines have their own uniform.  This is suitable for the very practical Early Years Curriculum, allowing them to play and learn without being restricted by unsuitable clothes and encouraging them to become independent.  It consists of 

  • Black or navy blue jogging trousers or leggings (shorts in hot weather)
  • White or pale pule polo shirt (with/ without school crest)
  • Blue school jumper or cardigan with school crest
  • Dark coloured shoes, suitable for playing indoors and outside.


Plain polo shirts and suitable jogging trousers/ leggings can be bought on the High Street/ in Supermarkets.  For our jumpers, cardigans and crested polo shirts, you can find links to our uniform suppliers at the bottom of this page.


We play outdoors in all weather. In cold weather, children will need a suitable coat, hat and gloves. In summer, children should bring a sunhat to nursery and should arrive with suncream on and bring a (named) bottle of suncream with them for reapplication during the day.


Children should bring a change of clothes (these do not need to be school uniform) to keep in a bag (which we provide) on their peg . These will be kept here until they have been used and need replacing.

Children in Years 1-6 at Athelstan have a different uniform to those in Early Years. Please use the link below to find out more.

Support with the costs of uniform


Two-Year-Olds in receipt of Free School Meals or Two-Year-Old Funding for Families Receiving Additional Support can receive two free uniform items (jumpers/ cardigans) when they start in Raindrops.  Please ask at the Early Years Office about this.


From age 3 upwards, children in receipt of Free School Meals are allocated a uniform allowance of £30 per year for school jumpers or cardigans.  Please click here for more information about FSM or ask at the Early Years Office for an application form.


Subject to availability, we also have pre-loved polo shirts, cardigans and jumpers available at the Early Years Office free of charge (though any small donations are gratefully received).  Feel free to call in during school hours, or phone the Early Years Office to check availability.  If your child outgrows any uniform items, donations to our pre-loved stock are always welcome.

Our uniform suppliers
