Over the last two weeks Raindrops have enjoyed learning about different woodland animals. They have listened to the stories Were Going on a Bear Hunt and Badgers Band. The children had lots of fun going on a bear hunt around the school grounds, painting bears and making their own musical instruments.
Settling in
Raindrops have had a lovely few weeks settling back into the classroom and making new friends. We have been focusing on rules and routines and enjoying exploring the classroom.
We started the term by reading the stories, Maisy Goes to Nursery and Spot Loves Nursery. We have also started learning the songs Old MacDonald and Miss Polly had a Dolly. Theses songs have been chosen with 4 others to be part of our 6 Raindrops nursery rhymes of the school year. We will be focusing on one each week and learning the actions to the songs.
Raindrops gallery 2023-2024
Sports Week
Raindrops have enjoyed our school's annual Sports Week. We have been busy playing on the field with the bats, balls, hoops and beanbags. We had a visit from athlete, Joe Ferguson and we took part in a Flexi-Totz session.
This week in Raindrops we have been reading the story A Busy Day for Birds by Lucy Cousins. The children have enjoyed making their own bird masks for 2 displays, one in Raindrops and one in main school. We have also been looking at where birds sleep, what they eat and what noises they make.
To start the Summer Term Raindrops have been looking at dinosaurs.
We have read the stories Ten Little Dinosaurs and Dinosaur Roar. We have enjoyed playing with dinosaurs, creating a dinosaur world and even moving like dinosaurs at carpet time.
School sponsored event
World Book Day 2024
Over the last 2 weeks Raindrops have been looking at different forms of transport. We have enjoyed reading the story, Pip and Posey, the Super Scooter and Terrific Trains. We also talked about how we arrive to school and made our own buses, aeroplane's, boat's and rocket's.
People Who Help Us
Raindrops have been busy looking at People Who Help Us in our community.
We looked at all the different professionals that we can see in everyday life. These included police officers, doctors and nursers, firefighters, postmen and bin workers
Christmas 2023
Raindrops have been so busy over the last 3 weeks celebrating Christmas!
We have been busy making cards and calendars, a visit from Moo Music, we ate a tasty Christmas dinner and got to wear our Christmas jumpers. We ended the year with a Christmas party.
Moo Music
Farmer Tammi from Moo Music had a wonderful time with the Raindrops children. The children were dancing with maracas and tambourines, popping bubbles, and even throwing snowballs into the air on a parachute.
World Nursery Rhyme Week
It has been a very busy 2 weeks here in Raindrops! At the start of the week, we made some maracas for Our World Nursery Rhyme Week. We then went on to sing the songs and make some music! We also had our termly Stay and Play session.
In the second week, we continued to watch the Nursery Rhymes and learn the actions as a class on the carpet.
Orchard week
Raindrops have enjoyed a lovely week visiting our school orchard. We went looking for leaves, twigs and conkers. We collected them up and brought them back to our classroom to play with.
We also enjoyed an foggy autumn walk around our school.
Woodland animals
Over the past 2 weeks, Raindrops have been busy looking at woodland animals. We have been learning about all the different animals we see in Autumn.
We have also been enjoying lots of activities linked to our stories, Foxes Socks and The Gruffalo.
Raindrops have been busy exploring our theme, colour. We have been focusing on activities that are linked to our stories, Maisy's colours and Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?
The children have been decorating their own animals and sorting colours.
Our first 3 weeks in Raindrops
Raindrops have had lots of fun over the past few weeks. The children have settled in well and are picking up the rules and routines of the classroom.
For the first 2 weeks we have read a variety of stories, chosen by the children. We have also been enjoying singing Raindrops' six nursery rhymes.
In week 3, we read the story of Spot goes to Nursery.
The children have been fantastic over the past few weeks and are forming good friendships with staff and other children.
Sports Week
The Raindrops children have enjoyed taking part in our school's annual Sports Week. We have done lots of activities, such as balance bikes, racing, games on the field, Yoga and Zumba.
Dear zoo
Raindrops have enjoyed learning about Zoo animals. We looked at how tall or small the animals are. What colour are their skins. We even make our own Zoo animal masks, like the animals in the story Dear Zoo.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This week the Raindrops children have been looking at the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We have learned all about the life cycle of a caterpillar, and enjoyed watching a short clip of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.
Raindrops have enjoyed making their own caterpillar for our classroom.
King Charles Coronation
Raindrops have had a very busy week celebrating the Coronation of King Charles.
We have been busy making lots of crowns and decorations to celebrate this event.
At the end of the week we had a lovely Coronation picnic.
The Raindrops children have enjoying planting their own sunflower.
Farm visit
Raindrops have enjoyed a visit from Ian's Farm. The children saw a chicken, guinea pig, rabbit, hen, duck, goat, sheep and alpaca's. They also got to brush the donkey and throw a ball for Meg the dog.
Bedtime routines
This week, Raindrops have been busy learning about bedtime routines.
We enjoyed reading the story of Spot the Dog and seeing Spot's bedtime routine.
The children have been playing with the babies and making a bedtime routine for them, by brushing their teeth, reading a story and tucking the babies into bed.
Raindrops have also been very creative by designing our own pyjamas. We even celebrated World Book Day in our pyjamas.
Pancake Day 2023
Raindrops have had a very exciting week celebrating Pancake Day. They have made pancake faces using different fruit and vegetables for the features of the face.
They also enjoyed tasting pancakes for snack, cooked by Mrs Hudson.
Postman Bear
Raindrops children have enjoyed reading the story of Postman Bear. We have done lots of activities and games relating to this story.
Christmas 2022
The Raindrops children have enjoyed 2 weeks of Christmas.
They have done some lovely activities, such as decorating the Christmas tree, making cards and calendars. We also had a visit from Moo Music. The children enjoyed dancing and using the flashing musical instruments.
Children in Need 2022
People who help us
Raindrops have enjoyed learning about people who help us in our community. We have had a visit from Tadcaster fire and rescue, a Sherburn in Elmet PCSO and Post lady Jane.
Autumn 2022
Raindrops have enjoyed lots of fun Autumn activities. We have been decorating hedgehog biscuits, searching for conkers in the shaving foam and we also had a visit to our school orchard.
Autumn 2022
Our first 2 weeks in Raindrops
September 2022
Raindrops have had a lovely time enjoying and exploring their classroom.
PE Week
Raindrops had lots of fun for PE week. They developed lots of new skills during mini athletics and developed their confidence on a balance bike during their balance bike workshop.
The Queens Platinum Jubilee
Raindrops have enjoyed celebrating the Queens Platinum Jubilee this week. They made their own bunting, enjoyed pretending to be the Queen, listened to the story Peppa Pig Meets the Queen and came to school dressed in red, white and blue. They even found the Queen when they went for a walk around school to look at the decorations.
Forest Schools
Raindrops had a fun afternoon in the orchard for their forest schools experience. They enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen, looked at some tadpoles from the pond and tested their balancing skills.
In Raindrops we have enjoyed learning about different minibeasts. We enjoyed the stories The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the Very Lazy Ladybird. We also had lots of fun making our very own minibeasts.
Raindrops have enjoyed planting their own sunflower seeds. They can't wait for them to grow so that they can take them home to plant in their own gardens. They also planted some flowers in wellington boots to hang on the fence in the playground.
Stay and Play
Raindrops have enjoyed showing their special visitors around the classroom as part of stay and play.
Sponsored Walk
Raindrops had lots of fun walking around the school grounds on their sponsored walk.
Red Nose Day
Raindrops have enjoyed decorating biscuits and wearing their own clothes to celebrate Red Nose Day.
World Book Day
To celebrate World Book Day the children in Raindrops enjoyed coming to school dressed in their pyjamas. They also enjoyed bringing in their favourite bedtime story to share with their friends.
Raindrops enjoyed having pancakes for snack to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.
People Who Help Us
Raindrops have enjoyed learning about the role of a doctor and a dentist. They listened to the stories Going to the Doctors and Peppa Pig goes to the Dentist. The children used syringes and toothbrushes to make marks on paper using paint and enjoyed playing in the teddy bear hospital. They also tried to make each other feel better too.
Over the last two weeks Raindrops have been learning about different modes of transport. The Children have enjoyed listening to the stories Terrific Trains and Red Car, Blue Car. They have also enjoyed listening to the sounds that different modes of transport make, used felt pens attached to cars to make marks on large sheets of paper and also used rollers to make track marks onto paper using paint.
Exploring Different Textures
Raindrops have had lots of fun and been very busy exploring different textures through various messy activities. This included coloured rice, shaving foam, gloop and soap flakes.
Christmas in Raindrops
Raindrops had a lovely three weeks celebrating Christmas. They have enjoyed listening to the stories Christmas Tree, A Christmas Wish and Santa’s Busy Night. The children have enjoyed decorating their own Christmas trees, making Christmas decorations for the classroom, icing Christmas biscuits and making their own Christmas Cards, calendars and folders. Raindrops also enjoyed Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas dinner and their Christmas parties.
Making Bird Feeders
Raindrops enjoyed making their own bird feeders using apples, bird seed and lard to take home and hang in their gardens.
Children in Need
Raindrops had lots of fun coming in their own spotty or Pudsey clothes to celebrate Children in Need on Friday. They also enjoyed colouring in their own Pudsey Bear pictures and watching Pudsey Bear and the Lost Bandana.
National Nursery Rhyme Week
To celebrate National Nursery Rhyme Week Raindrops took part in lots of nursery rhyme activities including making our own Humpty Dumpty’s, sponge painting Humpty Dumpty’s wall, washing spiders down guttering, looking at nursery rhyme stories and singing using musical instruments and puppets.
Dear Zoo
The children in Raindrops have enjoyed listening to the story Dear Zoo. They have completed lots of different activities around the story including painting the animals from the story, making marks in play dough with zoo animals and drawing their own animals on the interactive board.
We have listening to the stories Peppa’s Vegetable Garden and We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt to help us look at signs of Autumn. We went on our very own leaf hunt around the school grounds and made pictures with the leaves that we found. We also printed pictures using different vegetables and enjoyed tasting a variety of vegetables for snack.
Big Bear, Small Mouse
This week in Raindrops we have been reading the story Big Bear, Small Mouse. The Children have enjoyed painting bears and mice using different materials including sponge rollers. They have also enjoyed making big and small towers both indoors and outdoors.
Our First Two Weeks in Raindrops – September 2021
We have had a great time exploring both indoors and outdoors as well as making new friends.
Forest School
The children in Raindrops have enjoyed their forest school experience. We had a great time making butterflies and bees, swinging on the tree swing and finding the hidden rabbit hats that were placed around the school orchard.
Teddy Bears Picnic
We have loved having our Teddy Bears Picnic outside, making bear biscuits, sharing pictures from home of our teddy bears and using a range of mark making tools to create our bears.
Mini Beasts
The children have enjoyed exploring mini beasts as we have been on a mini beast hunt, made butterflies, bees, caterpillars and flowers for our school display and role played with a range of mini beasts masks.
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
The children in Raindrops have created their own version of We're Going on a Bear Hunt.
The children in Raindrops have loved this story. They have completed a range of activities as apart of this theme and it has been great to see the children at home joining in too.
Snow Day
We were so excited to see the snow covering the Raindrops playground that we had to get our coats, wellies, hats, gloves and scarfs on and go out and explore. We loved listening to the sound it made, making our marks with sticks and trying to catch the falling snow in our hands.
The children have enjoyed lots of Christmas activities this week especially decorating the Christmas tree and making wonderful surprises for their Mummies and Daddies.
We have had lots of fun throughout December. We have made Christmas Trees, had our Christmas dinner, worn our Christmas jumpers and danced to lots of Christmas songs.
The children in Raindrops have really enjoyed taking part in Nursery Rhyme Week. We have add marks to our buses, created stars in our play dough, chased a mouse up the clock, created our own farm and made our dollies better by giving them medicine.
Children in Need
We have loved painting Pudsey Bear pictures, dancing with Pudsey on the interactive whiteboard and wearing our spotty clothes in Raindrops today.
We love to make our marks
The children in Raindrops are developing their mark making skills as they explore a range of media and materials to make their marks.
We have loved collecting our Autumn treasures and making pictures from the treasures that we had found.
We visited the school orchard as we talked about the seasonal changes that we could see, found some wooden animals and explored our orchard with interest.
Baking Rabbit Biscuits
The children in Raindrops have enjoyed baking Rabbit biscuits this week. They were so excited to show their Mummies and Daddies what they had made.
Our first few weeks in Raindrops
We have had a great time in Raindrops settling our children in and welcoming some in new faces. All the children have enjoyed exploring the indoor and outdoor environment.
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