
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be

School Admissions (Staring School in Reception)

Admissions into our Reception Class (Sunshines)


Children are eligible to start in in a school reception class in the academic year they turn 5. The academic year runs from September 1st to August 31st, meaning that a child who is already 4 on September 1st and will celebrate their 5th birthday before 31st August the following year will be eligible for a Reception place that year. By law children MUST be in full time education by the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday.


Please contact our Early Years Office for any information you require about the school, or the process of admission. 


Every year, we hold an Open Evening in November for the parents of children who will be of school age the following September.  We advertise this locally, and invitations are sent to families with children attending Puddles nursery and families with children on our interest list.


All applications for places are handled by North Yorkshire Local Authority and should be undertaken through the admissions portal (link below). If you do not currently live within North Yorkshire you must make your application to your own local authority, but you can name this school as a preference.  


Key dates for September 2024 School Admissions:

  • 12th October 2023: Applications window opens
  • 15th January 2024: Deadline for applications
  • 16th April 2024: National Offer Day (September 2024 School Places allocated by Local Authorities).


Reception Place application letter to Parents

Sunshines FAQ and School Prospectus
