
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be

Curriculum Offer

Athelstan’s Curriculum Statement Summer 2022


The purpose of Athelstan's curriculum.

An outstanding curriculum offer must be much broader than the statutory National Curriculum. At Athelstan, we plan a curriculum which reflects our school values.


For our children to be

happy, caring and respectful.

For our staff to deliver a curriculum so our children are

inspired, inquisitive and motivated


Whilst incorporating wellbeing, positive emotional and mental health and metacognitive learning.


Our school curriculum is designed to achieve a number of things which we view as vital. We plan our curriculum to ensure it has progression, sufficient breadth, balance and relevance for each child. Building on children’s prior learning, non-negotiable knowledge, future learning and greater depth. Helping children to develop into creative, confident learners who are keen to take risks, collaborate and persevere. It is these qualities which we feel are vital for success in life as well as learning.


Our curriculum whilst paying due regard to achieving high standards in Maths and English is also carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression across all subjects. It provides children with memorable experiences and many diverse opportunities from which the children can learn and develop a range of transferable skills.


How we will deliver our Athelstan's curriculum


Across the school, including in our EYFS, we follow a book-led curricular which develops a cross curricular approach to learning where some subjects are taught through a topic and some are covered as discrete subjects.

Planning is done termly and or half termly, with reference to the National Curriculum 2014, Early Years Foundation Stage and the Whole School Long Term Curriculum Plan, staff then plan in more detail what is to be covered. This is shared with families through the year group’s web page.


All areas of the learning environment are planned for, including, where appropriate, the outside areas, the orchard and Forest School in order to ensure opportunities for a range of practical activities, which will develop appropriate knowledge, skills, understanding and maximise the facilities we have available. A ‘top down’, approach to planning ensures all children are challenged to achieve, ‘The best that they can be’. With children supported through additional, resources, pace, content, task, relevance and autonomy, according to need.

What progress can be seen because of our curriculum


This broader understanding of the curriculum inspires children to be inquisitive, motivated learners.

The outcomes of the curriculum are measured by the attainment and progress made by the children. Put simply how much the children know and remember including whether or not the children have mastered a particular skill. Teachers continually use assessment of the children’s responses and the work they produce to measure impact. Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a programme of monitoring, evaluation and review. Our pentagulation of monitoring includes book scrutinies, learning walks, lesson observations and learning talks to measure the impact of teaching and learning. As well as pupil interviews to gauge children’s engagement and enjoyment of the curriculum.  Teachers and leaders also have the school’s curriculum assessment data to support judgements on the impact our curriculum is having.
