
Athelstan Community Primary School

To Be The Best That We Can Be


"The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics."  

Paul Halmos

Subject Coordinator: Miss Critchley

Maths at Athelstan Community Primary School. 

At Athelstan Community Primary School, maths is fun and engaging as children explore mathematical concepts in a range of ways and across the curriculum, linking to everyday experiences wherever possible.


We provide every child a broad, balanced, engaging and relevant curriculum. Our Mathematics Mastery curriculum will ensure that every child can achieve excellence in mathematics.

Children learn new concepts through the use of manipulatives or practical tasks and have the opportunity to work independently, through paired work or collaboratively in larger groups. Our curriculum provides children with a deep understanding of the subject through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This ensures that children fully understand what they are learning.


Maths at Athelstan is challenging and builds on existing knowledge of numbers, measures, shape and space and data handling.


We follow a mastery approach to maths using the NCETM prioritisation materials and mastering number and the key features of this approach are:

  • High expectations for every child
  • Number sense and place value come first
  • Resources to support
  • Calculate with confidence – understand why it works
  • It places a greater emphasis on the cumulative mastery of essential knowledge and skills in mathematics
  • It embeds a deeper understanding of maths by utilising a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach so that children understand what they are doing rather than just learning repeated routines without grasping what is happening.
  • Children adopt a positive mind-set to difficult situations, recognising that problem solving, reasoning and investigations may be completed in a range of ways.
  • Greater use of stem sentences


We follow a progressive approach to the fluency of times tables.


As a result of our vision all members of our school community will be fluent, confident and consistent in their language and the strategies used in maths.

