To Be The Best That We Can Be
Online safety is an important part of our safeguarding at Athelstan School. The Internet is part of our everyday lives and is opening up opportunities for teaching and learning to everyone. However, at times, the internet can be misused, and this can lead to upset.
Throughout the year we regularly address internet safety at Athelstan school. During the first term, all children look at Online Safety appropriate for their age group. This is taught through our Computing Scheme, Purple Mash in conjunction with other online resources to inform children about: keeping personal details private, consideration of who you are talking to online and making sure a trusted adult knows what you are doing online.
In the spring term, we take part in the Internet safety Day which is in February. The children take part in assemblies and class discussion. We focus on the safe use of the internet, different devices and technologies.
In the summer term we look at healthy use of technology and using age-appropriate games. The children take part in an Online Safety poster competition.
On this page I have included a link to the parent guide to the internet. The guide includes advice and links to web pages to help you and your child use technology safely including how to set up parental controls and managing privacy on a variety of social media sites.
Safer Internet Day 2024
This year's Safer Internet Day is based around the theme: Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online and is co-ordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre in partnership with Childnet,
Here at Athelstan we will be looking at this over the week with classroom activities and live online lessons. Here are some websites for you to look at with your child at home:
Safer Internet Day - Want to talk about it? Advice for Parents and Carers
Wake Up Wednesday!
Each Wednesday, National Online Safety publish a guide with lots of great advice for parents and carers as part of their #wakeupwednesday campaign. Explore the guides here or keep an eye on our twitter feed where we will share them each week.