To Be The Best That We Can Be
The healthy child service links health,education and social care to improve the health of children from 5- 19 . It plays an important role by working with schools and families to address the health and special education al needs of children and young people.
Please ensure that you contact the early Years school office before 9.00am on the first day of absence. The school will contact all parents before 9.30am if their child is not in school and their absence has not been notified. Please refer to the infection control guidance if you are unsure about any illness and isolation periods.
If you have any concerns about your child's health then you can contact the Healthy Child Team on 01423 542283 who will be happy to help and support you. Please see the school medical policy for more information and advice
Athelstan school works in partnership with Time out. A local before and after school ofsted registered child care provider. Time out bring children to school and collect at the end of the day. They offer term time provision from 7.30am until 9am and from 3.00pm until 6.00pm. They also provide holiday support and support on staff training days. For more details email or contact on 01977 689239
From Autumn 2017 the school will provide on site before and after school provision in a purpose built room .This will be part of the schools growth and expansion programme.