To Be The Best That We Can Be
Welcome to Year 4.
In the Blue Room is Miss Snowden with Miss Allinson and Mrs Hemingway.
In the Neela Room is Mr Tull with Mrs Bennett and Mrs Lax.
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please make sure children have the correct PE kit and that it is suitable for outdoors.
Homework is always set on a Friday and is due in the following Thursday. It will always consist of a maths task (set on MyMaths) and either a grammar or reading task. If your child struggles to complete the homework for Thursday, they can complete it in our Homework Club on Thursday lunch time. If your child is struggling with their homework, please encourage them to come and speak and to their teacher before Thursday. We are always happy to help.
At Athelstan Primary School, we follow the Read, Write, Inc spelling scheme. Each week, the children will be taught and will practise a new spelling rule. This rule will be put on the newsletter each week with words to practise with your children. Every Monday, the children will take part in a 'Speed Spell'. This is where the children are given any word which follows the rule that they have learnt the previous week.
Also, on a Thursday, children will be tested on their orange words which are also put on the newsletter every week. These words are the more tricky words to spell which do not follow a specific rule or pattern.
Children have been given their username and passwords for Accelerated Reader. Once the children have finished a book, please encourage them to complete a quiz on Accelerated Reader. If your child has forgotton their username or password, please speak with the class teacher who will be able to help. Please ensure that you read with your child everyday.
In Year 4, the children will take part in a national multiplication check. Children should be practising their timestables as part of their homework. This can be done by using hit the button or talking timestables.