To Be The Best That We Can Be
We do PE on: Tuesday and Thursday. It would be useful, and as the weather changes, for your child to bring both indoor and outdoor PE kits. Children should bring in their PE kit on Monday and take it home on a Friday. PE kit includes: a white T-shirt, black or navy shorts or joggers, a dark coloured jogging top and trainers.
Homework: Our daily homework is to read to an adult at home and practise our times tables. We will send out homework books consisting of grammar, reading or spelling tasks. We will be setting maths homework through MyMaths. Please see the letter sent out for information about how to access it. The task will be linked as far as possible to that weeks learning. Children will review the answers to their homework in school with their teachers so please ensure these are returned on time. Homework is handed out on a Friday and needs to back in school by the following Friday.
Reading: As part of our homework, we expect children to read daily to an adult at home.
Spellings: We will send out new spellings every Monday in the children's planners. These spellings will be tested in 'speed spell' aspects of spelling lessons at the beginning of the week. .
Ground Rules
In Year 5 we have agreed to have a positive learning environment during PSHE sessions. We will follow these ground rules: