To Be The Best That We Can Be
Our PE days are: Thursday
We test spellings on: Monday
If the homework set is from the Spelling book no additional spelling sheet will be sent out and there will be no test on the Monday. When spellings are set, a list will be sent home on Monday for the children to practise and there will be a test on the following Monday.
We practise our times tables: Daily using TT Rockstars.
Children can also access the learning platform TT Rockstars to practise at home too.
There are 3 homework books. A Spelling, Punctuation and a Grammar book.
On Mondays, an activity from either the Spelling book or the Punctuation book will be sent home. The pages will be indicated by a date at the bottom of the page. This is to be returned by Friday.
On Fridays, an activity from the Grammar book will be set and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday.
The pages are not done in order as we choose the most appropriate pages to match what we are doing in school.
Our daily homework is to read to an adult at home. At the beginning of the year all children were given a bookmark that has example question starters to help develop your child's understanding as they are reading. A copy of this bookmark can be found in the 'Reading' section of our year page.
Additional homework will be set using our Athelnandoes Homework menu. Children can choose the activities that they would like to do from this menu.
Click the icons to find further information about Year 4 and resources to support your child