To Be The Best That We Can Be
Share a Story
As part of World Book Week ten volunteers shared their favourite story with the children. They presented their story during assembly and the children went back to class and decided which one they wanted to listen to. On Monday, each child went to listen to their chosen story and every volunteer made their story special in some way. Michaela (from Time Out) had Elmer shaped cookies for the children to decorate and Mrs Costa had a letter from one of the characters in her story. The children loved being mixed with different year groups and enjoyed listening to a special story. After the session, each volunteer went to hide their book somewhere around school for the children to find...
Book Hunt
During our library slot we hunted for the hidden books around school. Once found, the children took the books back to the classroom and read the books to each other in groups. After reading them they filled in book reviews and some children loved doing it so much that they took some of the book reviews home! It was lots of fun finding the different hiding places and sharing the books again once back in class.